Ask if you can earn credit for an internship placement before beginning the internship, and If your school grants credit for internships, then ask for the list of requirements. For example, your university may have rules about the number of hours you must complete, the type of internship position, or about your internship host company. Our internships satisfy department requirements as experiential, broadening, etc.
All of our internship programs begin with an admissions interview. During your interview, be sure to tell us that you will be doing the internship for credit.
If you will be earning credit from your own school, then please tell us about any requirements your university has, as this may affect your program choice. Also, please send any relevant documents from your university to your interviewer after the call, so we can add them to your file.
If you are accepted into our program, go back to your academic counselor.
He/she will be able to tell you the next steps in the university’s procedure to formally apply for getting academic credit for your placement. At the same time, confirm your place in our internship program by paying the amount due.
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